Mass is broadcast on 98.5FM

St. Mary’s Parish Church Dungarvan

in the 

Roman Catholic Diocese of Waterford and Lismore

Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) Mission

Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) will be on mission in our Diocese from 12th – 16th June. These young Canadian missionaries will be in Dungarvan and Abbeyside on Friday June 14th. From 2.00pm – 5.00pm in the Friary, they will lead a Lightfever event, where the public will be invited to pop in for some time of adoration, confession, prayerful music and to light a candle.

Then from 7.00pm to 9.00pm the CCO team will hold a training session in St. Mary’s Parish Pastoral Room (X 35 DE 98) for all involved in our parishes, with the idea of : “How to share your faith with others”. The CCO will complete their mission in the diocese on Sunday the 16th of June with a Diocesan Pilgrimage Walk, for all ages, at Mount Melleray, beginning with prayers at 2:10pm. All are very welcome to these events. Please say hello to our missionaries when they arrive.