Mass is broadcast on 98.5FM

St. Mary’s Parish Church Dungarvan

in the 

Roman Catholic Diocese of Waterford and Lismore

Important Notices regarding Masses, Announcements at Weekend Masses & Parish Notes

St. Mary’s Parish Church Dungarvan

PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Church is open for the celebration of public Masses and Masses continue to be broadcast on 98.5FM.

Mass Times

Monday to Friday – 9.30am Mass, with the exception below;

Since Tuesday 3rd October 2023 we returned to the pre-Covid practice of one morning Mass at 11.00am only on the occasion of funerals.

Saturday – 7.30pm Vigil Mass (Please note: There will be no 11.00am Mass on Saturday mornings)

Sunday – 10.00am & 12.00 noon Mass

All Masses broadcast on 98.5FM




Other Notices:

Please use hand sanitizers on entering and exiting the Church.



The Parish Office


The Parish Office is open each day from 9.00 am – 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm – 4.30 p.m.


For Information on Baptisms please contact the Parish Office.




Announcements at this Weekend’s Masses, July 13/14, 2024


Today we celebrate The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. Welcome and welcome to everyone who joins us by radio on 98.5FM.


The Parish and the Friary are organising a pilgrimage to Poland and the Divine Mercy Shrine, Sept. 25th – Oct. 2nd next. Details and contact number on church noticeboards.


Copies of the Irish Bishops’ Conference’s Letter: Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes is written to inform everyone who wishes to protect and support human life with dignity and compassion, especially in the last weeks of terminal illness. Please take a copy of this important letter and read it in your own time.


The newsletter for July 2024 is available in the church and porches. It has articles about Blessed Carlo Acutis 1991 – 2006, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Tuesday July 16th, St. Declan of Ardmore, Wednesday, July 24th and World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly on Sunday, July 28th next. Please take a newsletter home with you and you are also welcome to take one for a neighbour, relative or friend who may no longer be able to attend Mass regularly.


Tuesday next, July 16th is the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel who is patroness of the Carmelite order.


Copies of a prayer for the Sick by St. Camillus de Lellis who founded a Religious Order dedicated to the care of the sick, is available in the church and porches.


The Summer Collection for the support of the priests of the parish is taken up at all Masses this weekend, July 13/14. The offertory collection at each Mass will also go to the priests’ collection. This is one of the 4 collections each year for the support of the priests of the parish.


These announcements may be read on the parish website:


Parish notes are included each week in the two local newspapers.





Newspaper Notes, 15th July 2024


Blessed Carlo Acutis, 3 May 1991— 12 October 2006 (Cont’d.) Part 3

In a decree on May 23, 20024, Pope Francis recognized a second miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis.  Pope Francis approved the miraculous healing of a 21-year-old girl from Costa Rica named Valeria Valverde who was near death after seriously injuring her head in a bicycle accident while studying in Florence in 2022. The recognition of the second miracle attributed to Acutis’ intercession makes it possible that Blessed Carlo Acutis could be canonized during the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year.

After the girl underwent an emergency craniotomy to reduce intracranial pressure, the family was told that her situation was very critical and that she could die at any moment, according to the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Causes of Saints.

Six days after the accident, Valeria’s mother went on a pilgrimage to Assisi to pray for the healing of her daughter at the tomb of Blessed Carlo Acutis, leaving a written note.

On that same day, Valeria began to breathe on her own and on the following day she recovered the use of her upper limbs and partly recovered her speech.

Valeria was discharged from the intensive care unit 10 days after her mother’s pilgrimage and underwent further tests that showed that a contusion in her brain had completely disappeared.

Contrary to medical predictions, Valeria spent only one week in physical therapy and on Sept. 2, 2022, two months after her accident, she went on a pilgrimage to Carlo Acutis’ tomb in Assisi with her mother to celebrate her complete healing.



Wednesday, 24th July: Feast of St. Declan of Ardmore

Prayer to St. Declan

God our Father, we give thanks for the life of St. Declan who sowed the seeds of faith among the people of the Déise. We praise his name. We visit the places made holy by his presence. We walk in his footsteps, on the path taken by generations of pilgrims as we journey to the Father’s House. We pray that we may step out in faith, hope and love, walking with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit on our journey home. We make this prayer through Christ your Son, our Lord. Amen.


Summer Collection

Please continue to return the envelopes for the support of the priests of the parish.



Parish of Kilgobinet – Colligan – Kilbrien

The Vigil Mass next Saturday, 20th July will be celebrated in Kilbrien Church at 7.30pm.






Pope Francis’ Prayer to Our Lady
O Mary,
You shine continuously on our journey
as a sign of salvation and hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,
who, at the foot of the cross,
were united with Jesus’ suffering,
and persevered in your faith.
“Protectress of the Roman people”,
you know our needs,
and we know that you will provide,
so that, as at Cana in Galilee,
joy and celebration may return
after this time of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform ourselves to the will of the Father
and to do what Jesus tells us.
For he took upon himself our suffering,
and burdened himself with our sorrows
to bring us, through the cross,
to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.
We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God;
Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always
from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.