St. Mary’s Parish Church Dungarvan
PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Church is open for the celebration of public Masses and Masses continue to be broadcast on 98.5FM.
Mass Times
Monday to Friday – 9.30am Mass, with the exception below;
*One morning Mass at 11.00am only on the occasion of funerals.
Saturday – 7.30pm Vigil Mass (Please note: There will be no 11.00am Mass on Saturday mornings)
Sunday – 10.00am & 12.00 noon Mass
All Masses broadcast on 98.5FM
Other Notices:
Please use hand sanitizers on entering and exiting the Church.
The Parish Office
The Parish Office is open each day from 9.00 am – 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm – 4.30 p.m.
The Parish Office will close at 4.00pm this Monday, Dec. 23rd until 9.00am on Thursday, 2nd January 2025.
For Information on Baptisms please contact the Parish Office.
Announcements at this Weekend’s Masses, December 28/29, 2024
Today we celebrate The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Year C. Welcome and welcome to everyone who joins us by radio on 98.5FM.
Look: An activity page for children based on today’s gospel is available in the side porch and in the church. It has activities, a short summary of today’s gospel and a prayer.
Eucharistic Adoration on Thursdays will resume on Thursday 9th January at the end of the 9.30am Mass.
Pope Francis began Holy Year 2025, the Jubilee of Hope when he opened the holy door in St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve. On that occasion he said: ‘Hope is not dead; hope is alive, and it embraces our lives forever. Hope does not disappoint!’
Weekday Masses this week, Monday 30th – Friday, 3rd January at 11.00am each day.
Copies of the schedule of celebrations until the 7th January next are still available in the church and porches.
Please continue to return the Christmas collection envelopes for the support of the priests of the parish.
2025 Parish Calendars are available in the church and in the porches. Overleaf is the schedule of Mass times in the six churches of the three parishes which we administer.
The Parish Office will reopen at 9.00am on Thursday next 2nd January 2025.
(12noon Mass Only) You are reminded that the main churchyard gates and the CBS Primary School gates are locked immediately after this Mass.
These announcements may be read on the parish website:
Parish notes are included each week in the two local newspapers.
Newspaper Notes 01/01/2025
The Holy Year 2025/Jubilee of Hope
Pope Francis says: ‘May the Jubilee be a time to rediscover, proclaim, build hope.’ The Jubilee Year began with the opening of the Holy Door of St Peter’s Basilica by Pope Francis on Christmas Eve last. “Everyone knows what it is to hope……In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future will bring. Let us even now be drawn to this hope!” Pope Francis calls on Christians to live a life in keeping with their faith, as a witness and an invitation to all to “hope in the Lord.”
“May the power of hope fill our days,” the Pope says, “as we await with confidence the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and glory, now and forever.”
From Pope Francis’ Document: Hope Does not Disappoint.
Prayer for the New Year
The new year, like a new-born child, is placed in our hands as the old year passes away. The days and weeks to come are God’s gift; they carry God’s blessing.
As a blessing we welcome them. Our hope for the year ending is that all that was good in it will remain with us and all that was harmful be left behind.
Bless us, O Lord, and bless the time and seasons yet to come. Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.
And fill this new year with your kindness, that we may be glad and rejoice all the days of our life. Amen.
6th January 2025: The Epiphany of the Lord. Masses in St. Marys’ and the Friary only
Sunday, Jan 5th: 6.15pm Vigil Mass of the Epiphany in the Friary.
No Vigil Mass in St. Mary’s.
Monday, Jan. 6th, The Epiphany of the Lord: The Friary, 10am; St. Mary’s 11.00am & 7.30pm.
Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025: 9.30am Weekday Mass resumes. (1st Week in Ordinary Time)
Christmas Collection
Please continue to return the Christmas collection envelopes for the support of the priests of the parish.
2025 Calendars
St. Mary’s Parish calendars are available in St. Marys’ Parish Church. Overleaf is the schedule of Mass times in the six churches of the three parishes which we administer.
Parish of Kilgobinet – Colligan – Kilbrien
The Vigil Mass on Saturday, 4th Jan. will also be celebrated in Kilbrien Church at 7.30pm.
Schedule of Masses for Christmas and the New Year
Christmas Masses Newsletter 2024
Dungarvan Youth Club
More information on our notice boards or at the email address:
Pope Francis’ Prayer to Our Lady
O Mary,
You shine continuously on our journey
as a sign of salvation and hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,
who, at the foot of the cross,
were united with Jesus’ suffering,
and persevered in your faith.
“Protectress of the Roman people”,
you know our needs,
and we know that you will provide,
so that, as at Cana in Galilee,
joy and celebration may return
after this time of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform ourselves to the will of the Father
and to do what Jesus tells us.
For he took upon himself our suffering,
and burdened himself with our sorrows
to bring us, through the cross,
to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.
We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God;
Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always
from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.